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أسعار سامسونج فى مصر

5:20 PM

يوجد هنا أسعار موبايلات سامسونج فى مصر
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Samsung Unveils Galaxy Pro for Business Users

5:26 AM

By Daithi hAnluain | Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:03 pm
Samsung today introduced the Galaxy Pro, an Android-based device for business consumers in the U.K., entering the increasingly-crowded corporate market to compete with Apple and Google.

The South Korea-based handset maker said the Galaxy Pro features a keyboard and a formal-style design. It runs on Android 2.2 and is powered by a zippy 800-megahertz chip. To add a bit of fun, there's also "Social Hub," which is a service that grabs live streams from sites like Facebook and Twitter, and email, and combines it in one convenient view.
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Samsung, Visa to Test Mobile Payment at Olympics

5:24 AM

Next year's London Olympic games are shaping up to be a showcase for mobile payment technology as companies race for dominance in a potentially massive market.

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Samsung Sales Struggle Amid Craze for Tablets

5:21 AM

Samsung Sales Struggle Amid Craze for Tablets

By Doug Rule | Thu Apr 07, 2011 2:20 pm
Samsung today posted its second straight drop in profit, as consumers delay buying new TVs and gravitate toward competitors in the tablet and phone markets.
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Samsung to Sell 2-Gigahertz Dual-Core Phones in 2012

5:18 AM

By Peter Ferenczi | Tue Apr 19, 2011 11:31 am

Samsung plans to ship a 2-gigahertz dual-core processor in a smartphone in 2012, showing how quickly the performance gap between handsets and larger mobile devices could blur.
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Samsung gives free phone to some iPhone users

5:12 AM
Samsung is apparently giving some disgruntled iPhone 4 users a chance to get their hands on the new Galaxy S smartphone out for free, as part of a Twitter marketing campaign. It’s an Android-based smartphone that touts a 4.0-inch AMOLED display.

A spokesperson for the company told us: “Recently there has been a real increase in online activity from consumers dissatisfied with some of our competitors’ products. We decided to contact a cross section of individuals to offer them a free Samsung Galaxy S as a replacement, as we’re confident that once people have the phone in their hands, they’ll see how impressive it is for themselves.”
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Apple sues Samsung for copying iPhone and iPad

5:09 AM

Apple sues Samsung for copying iPhone and iPadApple has once again returned to the courts in a bid to protect its IP, and this time it's accusing Samsung of ‘slavishly’ ripping off its phone and tablet designs.

The litigation-happy tech firm claims the design of the Samsung Galaxy S phone and Galaxy Tab tablet infringe upon ten of Apple’s p
atents, which relate to the look and feel of its iPhone and iPad products.
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Verizon Wireless Unleashes DROID Charge By SAMSUNG

5:05 AM

Verizon Wireless Unleashes DROID Charge By SAMSUNG

DROID CHARGE Joins Verizon Wireless’ DROID family
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SAMSUNG Unleashes Galaxy Player

5:00 AM

SAMSUNG Unleashes Galaxy Player Ultra-Mobile Devices -- Communication, Entertainment And Information Are In Hand

Two Light and Slim Devices Deliver the Full Internet and Thousands of Android Apps Without Monthly Connection Fees
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Galaxy II first commercial is out

10:17 AM
At MWC, Samsung officially announced the successor to Samsung Galaxy S which is known as the Samsung Galaxy S II. You may have seen our hands-on video and photos of Samsung Galaxy S II, which is an amazing device. Eldar Murtazin posted benchmark of Samsung Galaxy S II a few days ago, and the phone achieved 3053 score on Quadrant, which is a mind blowing score.
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بسبب تقليد واجهة الأيفون، آبل ترفع قضية على سامسونج

9:04 AM
إتهمت آبل شركة سامسونج بسرقة إبتكاراتها وإستخدامها في العديد من أجهزتها التي تعمل على نظام أندرويد مثل جالاكسي إس وجالاكسي تاب.

القضية هذه المرة ليست متعقلة بالعتاد، ولكن آبل تستهدف واجهة الإستخدام، والتي ومن تجربتي لجهاز جالاكسي إس وجالاكسي تاب “مشابهة” للأيفون، ففي حين نرى العديد من الشركات تحاول التغيير في أسلوب العرض والإبتعاد عن التقليد، فإن سامسونج قامت بتقليد واجهة الأيفون عبر وضع الأيقونات الأربعة السفلية والسماح بإستعراض البرامج بشكل أفقي بأسلوب يشابه الأيفون إلى حد كبير.
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سامسونج تطرح نسخة الواي فاي من الجالاكسي تاب بـ 350 دولار فقط!

9:00 AM

Samsung Galaxy Tabمنذ أن قامت Samsung جهاز Galaxy Tab الأصلي ذو السبعة إنش العام الماضي كانت قد وعدت بنسخة WiFi فقط من الجهاز لكن هذا تأخر و إن كانت الشركة قد أعلنت منذ فترة قريبة بأن طرح الجهاز رسمياً قد اقترب جداً. ولكن بالفعل أعلنت سامسونج أمس بأن الجهاز أصبح متوفراً في السوق وبسعر مغري 349.99 دولار فقط!

لا داعي لأن نتحدث عن مواصفات الجهاز فالجالاكسي تاب أصبح ذائع الصيت
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Samsung Galaxy S 2 أول إعلان لسامسونج جلاكسى إس تو

8:50 AM
samsung-galaxy-s-ii-ofc-19 Samsung Egypt BlogSamsung Galaxy S يعد من أحد أنجح هواتف أندرويد العام الماضي, لكن هذا العام فإن سامسونج تسعى لجعل الجيل الثاني Galaxy S 2 أحد أنجح هواتف أندرويد أيضاً. ويعتقد بأنها تسير بخطوات سريعة فى هذا الإتجاه فحتى قبل إطلاق الجهاز المت
وقع الشهر القادم نرى ترقباً وشوقاً كبيراً من المستخدمين في انتظار الجهاز.

رغم كل الضجة التى أثيرت حول هذا الهاتف وكل ما قيل فإن سامسونج لم
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GalaxyS2:جالاكسي إس 2: أسرع موبايل على وجه الأرض

8:43 AM
جالاكسي إس 2: أسرع موبايل على وجه الأرضقد يكون موبايل جالاكسي إس 2 الذي يأتي بعد نجاح النسخة السابقة أسرع هاتف ذكي يعمل على نظام أندرويد في العالم
فبحسب إختبارات برنامج Quadrant فإن الجهاز تمكن من تحقيق أداء وصل إلى 3053 متجاوزاً بذلك أقرب المنافسين له وهو هاتف نيكسوس 1 الذي يعمل بنسخة أندرويد 2.2 والذي حقق درجة تقترب من 1350

وبالنسبة للجهاز نيكسوس إس الذي يعمل على أندرويد 2.3.3 فقد حقق 1269 درجة.

جالاكسي إس 2 يعمل على معالج ثنائي النواة من تصميم سامسونج ومن المقرر بدأ بيعه في المملكة المتحدة بداية الشهر القادم.
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Samsung Replenish: أول هاتف صديق للبيئة بنظام أندرويد

8:39 AM
Samsung Replenish: أول هاتف صديق للبيئة بنظام أندرويدأعلنت شبكة Sprint الأمريكية عن إطلاقها لهاتف Samsung Replenish, قد لا يكون هذا الهاتف مبهراً من حيث المواصفات التقنية لكنه بالتأكيد سينال إعجاب من يريد أن يساهم في الحفاظ على بيئة نظيفة

ومن يقرأ بعض الدراسات المهتمة بالبيئة سيرى كيف أن التكنولوجيا الحديثة تساهم في التدمير البيئي لكوكب الأرض, يكفي أن تجري بحثاً في جوجل على الآثار الضارة للمواد البلاستيكية المستخدمة في صناعة كل شيء لتدرك أن الأمر خطير فعلاً وإن كنا لا نشعر بخطورته.
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Samsung I9000 Galaxy S, a Nice Android Phone

5:36 AM
samsung galaxy s 600x270 Samsung I9000 Galaxy S, a Nice Android Phone
Samsung I9000 Galaxy S (via SamsungMobile.com)
Samsung has released a new Android phone on June 2010, yeah, that is Samsung I9000 Galaxy. It’s an Android phone that has many features, even many people claim Samsung I9000 Galaxy S is a new rival for iPhone4. Samsung I9000 Galaxy S has a similar shape to iPhone4, their dimensions differ by only a few millimeters.
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Samsung Galaxy S2 Specs and Features [2GHz Phone]

5:29 AM
galaxys2 Samsung Galaxy S2 Specs and Features [2GHz Phone]Surely you already know about Samsung Galaxy S, it’s very impressive and many people think Galaxy S is the iPhone killer. And now, Samsung plans to release Galaxy S2 (i9200) in early 2011. This will be the first 2GHz phone from Samsung, and it will use Android 3.0 a.k.a Gingerbread.
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Samsung gets generous with free Galaxy Tab entertainment bundle

4:56 PM
Samsung gets generous with free Galaxy Tab entertainment bundle. Tablets, Samsung, Samsung Galaxy Tab,  0Samsung has announced the availability of a free entertainment package worth £200 for anyone buying a Samsung Galaxy Tab before Christmas.
Admittedly pretty pricey for a Christmas present, if you're thinking of forking out the £400-odd for the new Android tablet then you'll be pleased to hear that a load of free music, movies, games and ebooks will be bundled in with the device.

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Samsung Nexus S vs HTC Nexus One

4:50 PM
Samsung Nexus S vs HTC Nexus One. Mobile phones, Samsung, Samsung Nexus S, HTC, Google, Nexus One, Android, Android 2.3, gingerbread,  0
Samsung has just announced the very first Android 2.3 Gingerbread phone, with the launch of its Nexus S. The new smartphone will be out in time for Christmas at the Carphone Warehouse and is Google's second branded handset after HTC developed the Nexus One for the search giant earlier this year. But if you've already got a Nexus One, should you be jealous? And is it worth upgrading? We take an in-depth look at the specs to see if Samsung can live up to the standards set by the Nexus name.

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Android 2.3: Expect your phone to predict the weather

4:46 PM
Android 2.3: Expect your phone to predict the weather

If you own an HTC Android-powered smartphone, then you know how much you love the weather. It’s one of Britain’s favourite pastimes and one of the phone's defining elements, but expect the weather feature on your phone to get a lot better thanks to a new tools offering by Google, in its latest Android 2.3 update.
Although no phone on the market, including the yet to be released Samsung Nexus S, features a barometer, Google has added support for such a sensor if manufacturers want to add it to the spec list.
For those of you who fell asleep in physics at school, a barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure.

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Samsung Nexus S vs Samsung Galaxy S

4:42 PM
Samsung Nexus S vs Samsung Galaxy S. Mobile phones, Samsung, Samsung Nexus S, Samsung Galaxy S, Android, Android 2.3,  0

The very first Android 2.3 Gingerbread phone has just been made official - in the shape of the Samsung Nexus S. The new smartphone will be out in time for Christmas at the Carphone Warehouse and Best Buy and is Google's second "own branded" handset after HTC developed the Nexus One for the search giant earlier this year. But, how does it compare to Samsung's current flagship handset - the Galaxy S? We engaged the two in a tense spec-off to see which looks like the better option.

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LG Optimus 7 vs Samsung Omnia 7

4:37 PM
LG Optimus 7 vs Samsung Omnia 7
26 November 2010 11:00 GMT / By Libby Plummer

As the mad rush that followed the highly anticipated launch of Windows Phone 7 has more or less died down, it's now time to step back and and take a good look at the handsets to decide whether you want to invest in one or not. We've already seen the LG Optimus 7 pitched against HTC's 7 Trophy, but how will it compare when it stands toe-to-toe with its main rival from Samsung? With its big, 4-inch AMOLED screen, the Omnia 7 has set itself apart from the pack. But, which is the better phone? We engaged the two handsets in a tense spec-off to see which came out best...

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Samsung Wave 723 coming to Europe

4:22 PM

Samsung Wave 723Samsung today announced the launch of the Wave 723 (Model : GT-S7320E), the newest smart phone based on its open smart phone platform, Samsung bada. The device reinforces Samsung’s commitment to democratizing the smart phone market and enabling access for all. Through the launch of the Wave 723, Samsung will deliver a remarkable smart phone experience to a broader demographic of users.
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Samsung offers new Galaxy Tab's video demo

4:10 PM

Awaited for the upcoming weeks, the Samsung Galaxy Tab has been offered a new video demonstration by Samsung, that features a first look at many of the different possibilities that the tablet has to offer. This "official live demo" gives the possibility to enjoy the email client features on the tablet, but also the e-reader possibilities, Google Maps and the Music Hub. A good preview for those who are looking forward to buy this Galaxy Tab, the first real challenger of Apple's iPad.

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OmniaPro B7320 Review

5:24 AM
OmniaPro B7320
The Smarter Way to Work & Play

The Smarter Way to Work & Play

  • Smart Design
  • True Messaging Center
  • Powerful Connectivity
  • Windows Mobile® 6.1 Standard
An optimal messaging phone for highly mobile professionals, OmniaPro B7320 keeps you in sync with the office without
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Review: Samsung Fascinate for Verizon

1:28 AM

Verizon Wireless continues to slam the Android operating system down the throat of Apple with the introduction of the Samsung Fascinate to its product line. The Fascinate is part of Samsung’s new Galaxy S lineup of phones which offers the same core features. What’s a bit confusing is the fact that the Galaxy S was a specific model of smartphone itself, but Samsung has shifted gears to allow the name to cover a line of phones.

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Samsung to challenge iPad with a 10-inch Android 3.5 slate due in 2011

1:23 AM

Riding on the buzz its Galaxy Tab slate has generated, Samsung is apparently focusing on a larger device that should take on Apple’s iPad. According to J.K. Shin, Samsung’s mobile communications president, there’s a “larger tablet” in the works, allegedly scheduled for an early 2011 release.
It should be powered by Android 3.5, which will cause some to question of the early 2011 claim. Google is expected to launch Android 3.0 during the first quarter of next year, which means
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Galaxy Tab AT&T service pricing revealed? iPad is cheaper

1:19 AM
Samsung’s Galaxy Tab is looking like it will be the first competitive Android tablet to hit the market, but its ultimate success is going to depend on pricing. As with any mobile product, pricing isn’t just a matter of what consumers pay for the the device, it’s also about what they pay for data.
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Nexus S مراجعة شاملة لجهاز نيكسوس إس

1:05 AM

قام موقع TechCrunch بنشر مراجعتهم الخاصة بهاتف Nexus S من Samsung.

وتيك كرنش كان من المواقع المحظوظة التي حصلت على الهاتف قبل أيام من الكشف عنه وقاموا باستخدامه وقدموا لنا خلاصة تجربتهم في المقالة التالية التي قمنا بترجمتها بشكل كامل دون أية تعديل.

هذه المراجعة مفيدة لأنها تركز على تجربة استخدامهم الفعلية والعملية للجهاز على مدى أيام ولا تركز بشكل كبير على سرد ما يقدمه لك الهاتف من عتاد ومواصفات.

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The Nexus S is available today in the U.S.

12:47 AM
The follow up to the Google G1, the Samsung manufactured Nexus S, is available in the U.S. from today.
Google is touting it as a “pure Google phone” with hardware that promises a very fast user experience coupled with the latest Android 2.3 OS:
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Samsung Gloria to be a 10-inch Windows 7 tablet with slide-out keyboard?

12:44 AM
Like a netbook, only not. The latest thing to drop into our "crazy rumor" inbox is the Windows 7 tablet conceptualized above
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قريبا Samsung Gloria بشاشة 10 أنش ونظام ويندوز7 وبلوحة مفاتيح قابلة للأنزلاق

12:40 AM

Samsung Gloria

سامسونج تخطط لأصدار جهاز لوحي يحمل اسم Samsung Gloria بشاشة طولها 10 أنش ويعمل بنظام ويندوز7 ولوحة مفاتيح قابلة للأنزلاق كما أن سامسونج سوف تعيد هيكلة نظام ويندوز7 وجعله أكثر قبولا لشاشات اللمس.

ومن المحتمل أن يكون موعد الأصدار في شهر مارس أو أبريل لذالك تذكر الموضوع كله في خانة الإشاعه
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Nexus S ظهور أول هاتف نكسوس من سامسونج

3:46 PM

Nexus S

بعد مخاض عسير لإشاعة ما يسمى بهاتف Nexus Two أو Nexus S من سامسونج يبدو أن الإشاعة أثبتت إنها حقيقية. بعد أن نشرنا لكم المواصفات المتوقعة للهاتف كان هناك الكثير من التكذيب حول هذه الإشاعة وفي مقابلها الكثير ممن يؤكدون بأن هاتف نيكسوس تو (أو نيكسوس إس على غرار سامسونج جالاكسي إس) هو هاتف حقيقي.

اليوم تصادف ظهور تأكيدين مختلفين حول الهاتف الذي يبدو أخيراً بأنه حقيقي بالفعل وليس مجرد إشاعة.

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